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Agreement Terms and Conditions
Aside of general terms and conditions, please, note that once accepted the agreements terms and conditions, you also understand and agree with all conditions described here in this page. These extra conditions were added to the contract due to recurring cases.
Vehicle out of stock
Eventually, the vehicle you chosed might be out of stock and it will be changed to another similar specs and model. In case of you requires a specific car model and version, additional fees may be applied, according to the stock availability.
All vehicles are fully inspected and maintained
At pickup place, please, check entire car body (externally and internally), take photos and videos for your safety to keep as evidences in case of eventual damages during your trip. Even if you have not taken pictures and videos, you assume and agree with all conditions and, cannot complain against the company. We keep all evidences with updated photos and videos for every car for every pickup and dropping off. If you notice any problem while driving, please, contact us immediately. If you contact us over 1 hour after take the car, any complaints about damages may not be accepted. Please, check the vehicle at pickup moment and collect all evidences of the car before go. So, please, take photos and videos as recommended. Turn the car ON, test the navigation and all commonly used functions before go to your trip.
Fulfill the fuel tank
Please, fulfill the fuel tank at the nearest gas station of the designated return address before dropping off. Please note that the gas station must be within 1km from the office or the drop off location.
If the tank is not full at dropping off time, we will charge you according to the car max range, consumption rate, mileage and cost of fuel per liter. Alternatively, we drive you to the nearest gas station to fill the tank, and then, you pay by yourself if have time.
The formula to calculate (((Max Km - Remaining Km) / Average Km) * Fuel Cost per liter) + Shouhizei tax = The cost you will be charged.
Max Km The maximum mileage the car can run with full tank, also know as "range". Every car, depending on the model, tank size and specifications, have a different capacity. Example: 700Km (hybrid cars, generaly), 450Km (normal combustion cars), 360Km (small cars)
Remaining Km The remaining mileage the car can run.

Average Km The average fuel usage of the car. Example: 9.4km/L, 14km/L
Fuel Cost per liter The cost of the fuel per liter at the moment of calculation. Example: 140円/L
Shouhizei tax Japan Government Consumption Tax. Its a obligatory fee collect of any money transations in Japan, even from tourists. The current tax is 10%, as the time of writing, over the total cost of any products and services. The tax is adjusted according to the changes in Japan laws. This page maybe out dated and a higher or lower tax can be charged. Please, be aware.
Where can I find those numbers mentioned above? All the numbers are registered and visible at the car display panel. Note that, the functions TRIP A/B, cannot be used into the formula because these indicators do not calculate the cost of fuel being used to aircon and others electronic parts. Also, the function TRIP A/B, can be restored by anyone, making unsafe to calculate it properly.
In case of accident caused by you, please, do not run away. In Japan, there are many cameras everywhere. If you run away, all the insurance you paid became invalid. You have to pay the full cost of all damages caused in the accident and also may be charged extra fees from local police department.
Belongings and garbage
Please, do not forget your belongs into the car and, thats includes garbage. In case of too many garbage left into the car, you will be charged with extra fees of 1,000円 ~ 10,000円 or over.
Car damaged
We check external and internal car parts. If something inside the car is broken, you will be charged accordingly. This includes damages on phone holders, car keys, windows, buttons, panel, carpets, stickers, documents, USB charger, cables, seats, anything. For luxury and high grade cars like Bentley, Benz, etc, the cost of parts are much more expensive than regular vehicles. Please, care the car as if was your car. Spilling liquid that causes damage to seats or electronic parts are also considered a car damage.
Car documents
Please do not tamper with or remove documents and manuals from the car dashboard. The documents must be untouched. The documents includes vehicle registration and inspection, police registration, insurance registration and other detailed information. If something is missing or damaged, the violation fee of 15,000円 may be applied.
Why pay for damage fees?
Even paying the full insurance or any type of insurance, in case of car damages caused by yourself, you have to pay the "Damage Compensation Fee". Example, if paid the Full Insurance, the max compensation fee wil be 50,000円 or according to the type of vehicle. However, does not means you will pay the max fee for any small damages. If the damage repair cost is 15,000円, then, we will charge you the exact repair cost.
So, what is the meaning of paying the insurance? The insurance will protect you of bigger damages on the car and also injuries in the passenger, the driver and any others person outside the vehicle. In case of huge damage, the repair cost can be over 500,000円. In this case, you will be charged the max fee of 50,000円, not the full repair cost. In case of passengers or driver injuries, every person is fully covered by the insurance. Each person is covered until 30,000,000円.
The purpose of Damage Compensation Fee is to avoid bad customers to destroy the vehicles. Some people think they can damage vehicles at will because they have paid for insurance. So, it must be clear thatb, paying the insurance do not means you can damage the vehicle as you wish. The Damage Compensation Fee is regulated by Japan laws to protect the Rental Car businesses from bad customers. In case of not pay any insurance plan, you expose yourself and all passengers to high costs. So please, drive safely and avoid dangerous situations.
All our vehicles are NON SMOKING cars. That means that smoking inside the car is strictly prohibited. In addition, please, avoid to smoking outside the car and then, enter the car with strong smoking smelling. When you return the car to our store, if detected smoking smelling, you will be charged something around 10,000円 ~ 50,000円.
Regarding the cost of filling the fuel tank
If you return the car without fulfill the fuel tank, the calculation of fuel cost is made by our staff. This is not made by your self, unless you can understand and calculate the formula. The cost is calculated based on the formula mentioned above. You cannot calculate according to your self measurements and convenience. Please, avoid conflictual situations by fulfilling the fuel tank by your self and bring us the receipt as a proof. The only valid receipts must be marked as "mantan" 満タン, that means (full tank). If the gas station receipt does not contain the information, you may be charged at the time of dropping off the vehicle. We check the odometer panel to calculate the aproximated cost + 10% of shouhizei 消費税 (Japan Consumption Tax). Note that, the charge fee cannot be exactly as at gas stations. Also, the cost of fuel will vary for each gas stations. The prices of fuel are volatile. Today is 150円/L and tomorrow may rise to 170円/L. Sometimes, it happens in the same day.